When life treats you like a slave, master this one law and you will be the master of your destiny.

Are you like a small boat on rough seas, just taking what life throws at you and accepting the good and the bad? Or are you negotiating the rough seas, but remain on course?

You may find yourself clustered in a hospital bed, you may be rejected and alone, suffering from a disease, or lost in this world, or you cannot find love, maybe you just seek someone that understands you, offer a sympathetic ear, you may fail at everything, look no further, you are at the right place, at the right time, I have something of interest just for you.


Most people are not aware that you must know the laws of life to understand life, it is the only way to keep on the path of your chosen direction, your destiny.


  1. Life laws exist before the beginning of time, it will be here forever, it is unchangeable and constant, and it cannot change.
  2. It is the strongest force that ever existed.
  3. It influences your life for good or bad.
  4. Laws are a creative force, it creates conditions and opportunities for our benefit.
  5. The laws of life cannot be avoided or ignored, it plays such a big part in our lives, whether you recognize it or not, it has played a major part in your life.

The greatest law ever, is the law of Love, well known to all of us, you cannot manufacture love, you cannot avoid it, it is automatic, and it overwhelms you that you cannot control it, even if you try to escape from it, you always submit to it, so why not work with the laws of life and enhance your life?

Life and its laws is thus our slave, engineered in such a way that it is always ready to assist and guide, if life is the slave then we are its master, it wants us to be its master. Life is the slave and is always obedient, the problem does not lie with life, because it is consistent, we on the other hand allow ourselves to be swayed by unpleasant conditions, we are ever changing. To become consistent, we must ask ourselves the following questions:


Remember, we cannot control or change life, but we can change ourselves to come in tune with the laws of life.

Let me demonstrate: THE STORY OF FRED…

Fred was seeking a soul mate, he is reasonably handsome, but since he was always swayed by the rough seas of life, he was never able to get love, he became desperate and decided to try an online dating service, after chatting with a few promising prospects, he became interested in Joan, after 3 months of online dating, he was sure that Joan was the’ one, they discussed a date to meet in person, she lived in the next town, the next day, he sat off to meet the love of his life, while being happy and jovial, a big dog blocked his way, this dog was intently focusing on attacking anyone that crossed his path, but Fred had a better way out, it may take him longer, but he took a path that avoided the dog. As he continued, he came across three dogs.

Without aggravating these dogs, he stepped backwards until he was out of their reach, only this time, he gave them a wider berth, again the route were longer , but at least he was safe. Then he reached this one point, the path tunneled between two steep mountains, one way in and one way out, but unfortunately, at the mouth of this path was a sleeping dragon, Fred reasoned, is he going over the sleeping dragon, climb the steep mountain or abandon his search for love.


  1. The dogs symbolize challenges.
  2. The dragon, our biggest fears.
  3. The steep mountain, our weakness.

The dogs in our lives are of our own creation. The law of love assisted with connecting Fred and Joan, it played its part, Fred needs to master himself, the dogs cannot be ignored or sidestepped, you will just meet more and bigger dogs if you successfully avoid the single dog, it gets progressively worse when we keep ignoring our own challenges, the law of love did not place the challenges in our way, we created it ourselves. Look how clever the laws of life is, it hands us whatever we want on a silver platter, but in such a way that we must come across our own challenges, fears and weaknesses for the one purpose:

To take on the dogs, dragons and mountains, to slay them to gain valuable traits this will come in handy when we get our desired gifts.

That is… to be fully equipped for the gifts we are about to receive.

Happy hunting

About Deswayne

I am a blogger, my wish for my readers are to discover the secrets of success and well being, my personal journey through life took me to the extremes of misery and poverty to blissful experiences, which caused me to experience both sides of the spectrum, it caused me to question myself and God, but I got some really good insights into how to live well.
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