When I look at people I grew up with, I feel sympathy with that person.


There was one particular girl I grew up with, when we were children, we were quite upbeat and excited, looking forward to great things when we were grow up, it was that time when you meet your first girlfriend, that was the time of exploration, experience new things, a time when we had no responsibility, the time of puberty, what a great time.

I moved away from my hometown, we lost all contact.

At  around age thirty, I returned to my hometown and re-acquainted with old flames and friends, one shocking thing hit me right between the eyes, my peers looked like they came from a war zone, they looked old and tired at age thirty, most of the girls lost their sexy figures and replaced it with fat, others had wrinkles and grey hair, I never felt any attraction towards my old high school sweethearts, they were so sweet and juicy at school;, now they appeared like uninteresting housewives, their youthful exuberance gone, their energetic spirit robbed from them.

Their focused shifted to something else; their only concern in life was to survive from day-to-day. When you read their Face book content, it shows they have lost the ability to live meaningful lives, they became simply pathetic, but who can blame them, life has its way of breaking the human spirit.

It made me want to light a fire under their buts to wake them up because they were clearly zombies, alive on the outside, but dead on the inside.

A more pertinent question would be to ask myself whether they accepted the way things are or do they still have a small flame smoldering deep inside that yearns for freedom.

I cannot convince myself otherwise, but I believe that we are all still hoping and praying for a better life. This thought brought me to the point where I make myself available, free of charge to assist those that wants to break free, because I was also there once and I managed to break free.

I introduce my 12 step rejuvenating program, guaranteed to transform you into a bombshell, re-energized to conquer the world:

  1. Restoring the faith of the hopelessness
  2. Unlock wisdom:- with age and experience comes wisdom, how to use your own wisdom to live life to the full
  3. Unlocking inner strength:- the human spirit is a never say die spirit, getting the fight back
  4. Unlocking the true self, life turned you into a weak loser whilst you are a born winner
  5. How to get your lost dreams back and making it a reality
  6. Discover your true inner beauty and how to let it shine through, how to look and feel like a beauty queen
  7. Avoiding making that mistakes that forced you into the unhappy life you currently live
  8. Understanding the laws of life and how to tune into it to use it to your benefit
  9. Understanding the conditions which you must avoid
  10. Helping you to discover those things that causes you to fail time after time
  11. Demonstrating how life puts in a special effort to assist those persons that are seeking assistance
  12. Most important, how to sustain a life of winning


If you have too much faith in God, you make a mistake that is unforgivable.

Most of the time, life caused you to have faith in other things or other persons, in my program you will discover that faith in yourself first and foremost is more important than to have faith and beliefs that are displaced or direct to God.

If you do not have faith in yourself than God cannot have faith in you.


You came into this world equipped with all the necessary tools to be a champion, but because of hitting a wall time after time, you lost the ability to tap into your inner wisdom, one of the tools inherent in all people is to get guidance from a lot of sources, these sources are at your finger tips, you just do not know how and where to look for guidance, most of the time you are actually guided to success, but because of ignorance, you are not tuned in to “see” the help offered on a day-to-day basis, as you read this article, you are guided, but because of ignorance, logical reasoning, obsession or plain stubbornness, you are unable to appreciate help when offered on a silver platter.


Another tool you do not need to acquire because you already have it is so abundant in you, look at your past successes, it happened because of sheer inner strength, it got lost somehow, but it can be revived.


Over the years you changed into the person you are not, you have grown so accustomed to the lost soul that you are, you are not aware as to who you really are.


Excuses are one of the most potent poisons that robs you of your dreams and the life you truly deserve, it actually causes your death while you are still alive, now is the time to be at your peak.


Look around, mature persons have a zest for life, they have a glow like a pregnant woman, they have an unquenchable fire inside, they are unstoppable, what is stopping you, true beauty comes from inside, it needs a powerful inner force to push it outwards, that force is the champion inside, it makes you look younger and full of life. When you stop fighting you die and it is visible on your face.


Losers live their lives in circles and that circle consists of different mistakes being done over and over, but in different ways and at different times. Losers are not aware of these mistakes and for this reason they do not attempt to change their behavior, why should they when they cannot recognize the evil cycle they create for themselves. You need help to identify the wrong behavior.


Life comes with certain laws, if you do not conform to them, you get punished. One of the greatest laws of life is the law of love. One of the man-made laws is of cause money, “money makes the world go round” the love I am professing is pure, sacred love, it starts with you, love yourself, failing that, you punish yourself, you are special, believe it, live it.


We create our own world, we have the power to create a world of our own choice. The life we experience is the life of our own creation, we must learn to create our own dreams, dreams are meant to be transformed into a reality.


Anything of great value is attained through hardship, struggle, pain, endurance and a whole host of hardship, we follow the path of least resistance, a sure way to fail.

Anything we call precious, like diamonds and gold are found deep beneath the earth, to bring it to the surface, people offer their lives. Are you prepared to lay down your life for the precious things that you want?


This is one of my favorite subjects, not a lot of people realize that life goes out of its way to assist those that seek assistance, and you can prove it for yourself if you do not believe me. Set a goal for yourself, apply all the above wisdom and commit to give your life to achieve the goal, jump into action and go get that which you want, but as you go along, open your eyes and see for yourself how things fall into place, e.g. things that you did not plan happen by “accident”, assistance comes in forms you did not expect, people help you, etc. that is life helping you.


When you experience a small success, do not see it as small, small victories lead to bigger victories. Like all things in life, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. Winning, when it happens often enough becomes a habit, when it is a habit, you do not put effort in to win, it happens automatically.

CLICK THE LINK TO GET ANOTHER OPINIONThis Is How You Become Unattractive And You’re Not Aware of It


About Deswayne

I am a blogger, my wish for my readers are to discover the secrets of success and well being, my personal journey through life took me to the extremes of misery and poverty to blissful experiences, which caused me to experience both sides of the spectrum, it caused me to question myself and God, but I got some really good insights into how to live well.
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