A recipe for success does exist, especially for you.

When you gather information for your specific goal, you would normally look at other successful persons or experts to gain insights, because you know to succeed, you must do proper preparation, that is all good and well, but if there is one thing that you should know: “the recipe that the successful persons used to gain success is not your recipe for your success”. In other words, the success recipe for others does not always apply to you. You must develop your own success recipe.


With all goal setting must be pre-prepared before you even think of taking action.

  1. 1.       PREPERATION: Distinguish between an urge from your inner soul and logical desires.

Inner urges are those needs that arise from the soul, the soul needs fulfillment, fulfilling the soul is a step towards your destiny. Destiny is a more truer expression of yourself, in other words, you will feel success if you move towards your destiny.

The opposite of destiny. When you aim for a goal inspired by logical thought, you will either fail or struggle until it wears you down. Those urges are false urges, they are like things you want and not what your soul need.

  1. 2.      INSPIRATION FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR SOUL: The soul has a way of conveying its needs to you. The soul conveys messages to your brain, just as logical thoughts do. Logical thoughts come from outside of your body, soul thoughts come from within. Let me explain by illustration, you see another person driving a nice car, you set your goal to save up for a deposit for a car, that is a logical thought from what you saw outside your body, soul thought would be a thought that comes from inside, the thought enters the mind voluntarily, e.g. you have a passion for children, a thought enters your mind to teach math to 2 year olds, because it is a strange and unlikely thought, you brush it aside because your logical mind tells you that this thought is very outlandish, almost impossible to achieve, where do you start to make this goal a reality? The more you think about it, the more impossible the task appears, so you let go of that thought, big mistake, it was your inner soul trying to set you on the path of your own destiny.
  1. 3.       START WITH WHAT YOU HAVE: When you obey the urges of the soul thoughts, help arrives. When you discover that ridiculous inner soul thought, the question you should ask yourself is “whereto from here?” that is an indication to the brain that it must latch on to that thought, when it has that thought in its grip, the brain is forced to produce more helpful thoughts. When you thought about the impossible thought, the brain also latches onto that thought and is forced to produce unhelpful thoughts to discourage you to hold onto that thought.
  1. 4.      TAKE ACTION: Taking action moves the world to assist you to succeed. One true law of life exist, there is an answer to any question, if you seek you will find, so if you persist steadfastly, you must find all the resources required to reach your goal.
  1. 5.      MOTIVATION: Real motivation is that motivation is that motivation which comes from inside, it excites the soul. When the soul is excited it will motivate you automatically, you will work a 24 hour day without feeling tired, you will move heaven and earth to succeed, and no mountain will be too high to climb, because the inner joy is your greatest reward.


It is easier to aim for a goal coming from the logical mind, all things of great value is harder to come by, digging for inner soul thought is like digging for gold which lies deep beneath the surface of the earth.

Get further help by reading my book: WHY AM I A LOSER? HOW TO BECOME A WINNER?

About Deswayne

I am a blogger, my wish for my readers are to discover the secrets of success and well being, my personal journey through life took me to the extremes of misery and poverty to blissful experiences, which caused me to experience both sides of the spectrum, it caused me to question myself and God, but I got some really good insights into how to live well.
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