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You are lying awake at night, severely traumatized by your problems, I have the answer.

Three steps to follow to make a problem leave you voluntarily.

You pretend that you are happy, you show the world that everything is alright, yet when you are alone in bed, you are confronted by the dreaded truth, the secret that only you know about and you alone must deal with it, now eventually you have an answer to your problems.

You are not alone, I know your pain and suffering, I was there.

You have a choice, either you keep on fooling yourself and the world and follow the path that leads to your own destruction or you trust me to help you to overcome.

Your problem can be described in one word, that is, helplessness.

During times like this, you are too aware that friends and loved ones just cannot understand you, I understand.

It is a time when you pray and desperately seek answers to this one question: “Why me?”

You do not get answers.

I see many people just like you, they gave up, what else can you do when help does not arrive? You just hope that things does not get worse, sorry, when you go down this path, it gets worse if you do not get help from a person that can guide you through it. You see a problem cannot vanish by itself, it is there because it wants attention, if it does not get the deserved attention, it hits harder until you cannot endure anymore.

There is good news though, from experience, I know that a problem is actually there to help you, it is actually a friend in another form, hard to believe, then let me help you understand the dynamics of problems.


We experience problems as something that causes hurt, it causes discomfort and unpleasantness, and we just want to get rid of it. That is our first mistake, hard to believe, a problem must be embraced as your best friend, we must engage it, have a relationship with it to enable us to see their true nature. In other words, instead of trying to avoid it, we must start to question the problem, I mean literally ask the problem questions.


Step 1- See your problem as a person

As the heading suggests, stop immediately, change your attitude towards the problem, see it as your best friend, and just try it, what have you got to lose? See your problem as a person with a very good message, if you treat it like an enemy that you just want to get rid of, how are you going to get the valuable message it carries?

 Step 2- Build a solid relationship

Do you know that a problem can talk to you? When the problem gets comfortable (remember, when you treat a problem as an enemy, it behaves like an enemy). Test my theory, ask the question the reason for being in your life, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Step 3- The answers to expect

When you listen closely, without bias, you will hear things that may amaze or shock you, so be prepared, but one thing is sure, a problem will reveal truths, it cannot lie. It will reveal  truths about you that you genuinely did not know, and then it is your duty to follow that path that the problem points to, or it will shock you because it reveals truths about things that you are deeply aware of, but chose to deny or bury it. In that case, you have no choice but to deal with those unpleasant facts to enable the problem to leave voluntarily.


Obviously, the three steps above are very unfamiliar,  unusual ways of doing things are normally questioned and doubted, but then you must ask yourself whether your current method of solving problems brought a solution or more frustrations?

If at first you do not get answers from the problem, it is not the methods described that do not work, but your own unwillingness to work with your problem. A problem does not exist because it likes to torment you, it has a specific, focused purpose, which is to help you, you can accept or reject a problem, and it is your choice, either way it will not go away unless you tend to it properly.



A true story…

Today I had a counseling session with John, he is a farmer, passionate about farming, nature and the outdoors, he had no wife or children, and he was unattached. He had freedom.

He was just about to sell his farm after 9 years of strife and struggle, he could not comprehend that his passion did not convert into any meaningful income, he was broke in his spirit as well as financially. When he looked back at the 9 years, he had nothing of value to show for all his hard work and he is a workaholic, this man would chew on his food and wash the dishes to save time and in the same time he contemplated his next task to finish.

He decided to quit.


Now conventional experts advise you must follow your passion and the money will follow, but in his case only debt followed, then his only vehicle broke down, it cost too much to repair, but that is not all, since he had no money, he could not pay the electricity company, they cut off his supply which meant he could not slaughter his animals for selling. He was like a drowning man, every time he comes up for air, something forces him back down, but he kept on fighting the odds, hoping that his fortune lies over the next hill. Now that type of commitment and endurance are really rare and to keep it up for 9 years is commendable.


I actually admired his courage and resilience, it made me think, does hard work and passion lead to success, and personally I do believe that hard work and success are two of the most important elements for achieving goals. He admitted that he was running around like a headless chicken to get everything done.


My advice to him, and this saying was borrowed from the Zen masters: “the true master does nothing, but everything gets done”. His eyes opened wider, he was stunned, dumbstruck, he could not comprehend as to what the message is that I am trying to relate.

Sometimes you have to stop and do nothing so that everything can get done. You see he was a person that was on a path that could lead to self-destruction, the combination of being burnt out, sleepless nights plus the creditors haunting him can lead to one or more outcomes:-

  • Sleepless nights which leads to less rest.
  • Stress that leads to depression.
  • A nervous breakdown
  • Suicide.

I painted a picture to instill fear, I told him that since he is alone and virtually abandoned, he had no support structure and if it so happened then who will take care of him if he gets seriously ill and he becomes bedridden, and above all, what benefit was gained from chasing after a goal that seems out of reach.


“Can you see that life is giving you a message.” Life is guiding him to stop, think and listen, life wants to guide him in the correct direction, but he is too busy listening to his own logical thoughts.


Life uses subtle coaxing to guide a person, sometimes it is a kind word from a stranger, you never know when you entertain an angel, unfortunately most of us was not taught the art of noticing these signals, in fact, we rely so much on our own thoughts and those of experts that we are not aware that life is eager to supply all the information you require to succeed, we are so dependent on our own thoughts, we spend much time to deliberate, we do proper research, we want to make sure that we take the correct cause of action, do not get me wrong, logic thoughts has its place and cannot be replaced. When we ignore life, then life sends messages that is more profound, in Johns case, he suffered a lot of mishaps at inopportune times, it is like drowning, when you come up for air, a stronger force pulls you down.


Life has your interest at heart, if you do resist it, it will eventually knock you down, rendering you paralyzed, forcing you to stop, think and listen, if life has to put you in a hospital bed to get you to stop, it will, other alternatives include jail time, a serious accident, you name it, life will choose the best method to bring you back in line.

Are you taking notice of life’s little messages?

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